consultations and readings
Interested in a session? Read the descriptions below and select the one that best meets your needs!
natal chart reading
90 minutes. Sliding scale $0-$100
Your natal (birth) chart is a map of the sky the moment you took your first breath. We will talk through your natal chart step-by-step, exploring central psychological themes and tensions in your life. Natal chart readings can help unpack strengths, challenges, and aspects of identity otherwise hard to describe. Similar to parts-work, a natal chart reading is an amazing tool to explore yourself.
bundle purchase
Bundle 3 sessions. Sliding scale $0-$200
Purchase a natal chart reading, a transit reading, and a short chat/follow-up conversation all in one, at a discounted rate!
transit reading
60 minutes. Sliding scale $0-$75
Your natal chart doesn’t change — but after your birth, the planets kept moving! Transit readings reveal how planetary movements interact with your natal chart in real time. We will look at specific moments of your choosing from the past, present, or future and break down what the planetary configurations of that moment may trigger in your natal chart. A transit reading can help you place significant life experiences in context, and can assist with making major life decisions.
*Please note, a full natal chart reading is a prerequisite for a transit reading.
ongoing counseling
60-minute sessions. Sliding scale $0-$75
Interested in ongoing astrological counseling? I am available for bi-weekly, monthly, or quarterly sessions with returning clients. We will process and unpack ongoing themes and events in your life using astrology as a framework for analysis. We will continually refer back to your natal chart and bring in transits when necessary.
*Please note, a full natal chart reading is a prerequisite for ongoing astrological conseling.
short chats & followups
30 minutes. Sliding scale $0-$50
Not up for a full reading? That’s okay! I am available for 30-minute micro-readings to focus in on a particular natal chart topic you’re curious about.
Want to follow up on something we already discussed? That’s great! Select this option if you’ve already completed a natal chart and/or transit reading with me and you’d like to circle back to specific topics or outstanding questions.
15 minutes. Sliding scale $0-$20
Not sure what you want or what astrological counseling really is? No problem! I am happy to answer questions about astrology or astrological counseling, or to discuss my practice more generally.