about my practice

My name is Hayden. I am a trans*masc, white resident of Oakland, CA (unceded territory of the Ohlone people). Astrology is not my full-time job. By day, I work in emergency social services running housing programs for families in San Francisco. But I have fallen in love with astrology as a discipline and as a tool to hold radical space for others.

Astrological counseling is a form of therapy. Like other therapeutic frameworks, it offers a container and a language for self-examination. But in many ways, it is a freer framework than traditional psychotherapy, which — as an institution — is rooted in white supremacy, misogyny, transphobia, and heterosexism.

Natal chart and transit readings can help us pull apart and work through those same psychological dynamics, those same pains and tensions, but from a different perspective. Here is a decolonial practice. Here is a practice more spiritual than clinical or diagnostic. Here is a co-creative practice, one with a value-neutral language of universalized symbols.

My readings are grounded in queerness, deep and empathic listening, and anti-racism. I believe in shared vulnerability and informality. If you book a reading with me, I will come prepared with extensive chart analysis, but I am always eager to follow your lead in discussion.

I hope you’ll give astrological counseling a chance! Over the years, this practice has deepened my knowledge of self, my understanding of others, and my connection to spirit. It may do the same for you.

check out offerings below!